The Japan Times Alpha 24.6.28 [生涯賃貸派、ノンステップバス、点字ブロック]


The Japan Times Alpha の記事を読んで楽しみながらボキャビルも増やしたいということで、印象に残ったことを記録していきます。



The sounds of the koto cannot be expressed by Western sheet music. They simulate the sounds of nature, which is a big part of the Japanese aesthetic. For example, the Japanese value and see beauty in the sounds of crickets, which may seem strange to the Western ear. What Westerners percieve as noise, the Japanese hear as music.

Art is long, life is short ですね。


「暁の 別れはいつも 露けきを こは世に知らぬ 秋の空かな」

Sad is any parting at the red of dawn; but never since the world began, gleamed day so tragically in the autumn sky.

I've saved the best for last.



New York’s Fat Beach Day gives plus-size people a space to be themselves
Jacob Riis Beach hosts the day of body positivity and fun, in the city at the heart of the fat acceptance movement
Sinkhole swallows soccer field in Illinois in shocking video
A massive sinkhole stretching 100 feet opened up in an Illinois park on Wednesday, swallowing a light pole in the middle of recreational fields and leaving a de...
Man charged with threatening to kill presidential candidates found dead as jury was deciding verdict
Prosecutors have moved to dismiss the indictment having learned Anderson has died.



forever renter 生涯賃貸派
As a forever renter, I'm glad I don't have a mortgage.

low-floor bus ノンステップバス
Lately there have been more low-floor buses around.

tactile paving (tactile warning line) 点字ブロック
Tactile paving was developed in Okayama, Japan.

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