The Japan Times Alpha の記事を読んで楽しみながらボキャビルも増やしたいということで、印象に残ったことを記録していきます。
Additionally, what strikes me is their ability to find joy in simple pleasures without extravegant spending.

あとは、最新の研究で血圧が少し高いだけでも脳や心血管疾患のリスクは倍になるという記事、源氏物語、10 years and 1 hour が面白かった。
The autumn flowers were fading; along the reeds by the river the shrill voices of many insects blended with the mournful fluting of the wind in the pines.
ちなみに先日 BeReal が買収されたニュースがあったね。

[n] one-upmanship 人を出し抜く術
Now, young Japanese are rushing to BeReal, an app that lets them share their lives without the one-upmanship.
[adj] warts-and-all ありのままの
There are moments in life when a warts-and-all approach can be a bit daunting.
[v] fly (計画・案などが)うまくいく
I couldn't join in any conversations or make friends because my English just wouldn't fly.
The Japan Times Alpha より引用