The Japan Times Alpha 25.2.7 [物乞い、足が早い、名乗り出る、渡す]


The Japan Times Alpha の記事を読んで楽しみながらボキャビルも増やしたいということで、印象に残ったことを記録していきます。






Mayor Adams Anoints Kathleen Corradi as NYC's First-Ever 'Rat Czar'
Mayor Adams Anoints Kathleen Corradi as NYC's First-Ever 'Rat Czar'
Rat czar - Wikipedia


岡山さん絶賛の Conclave 見たい!



With Oscar-nominee 'Conclave' piquing interest, pope keeps dean of the College of Cardinals in place
With interest in a papal elections high thanks to the Oscar-nominated film “Conclave, ” Pope Francis threw a wrench Thursday in some of the speculation about a ...
Swedish school shooter shouted ‘you should go away from Europe’ between fire
The gunman who killed 10 people in an attack on a school in Sweden shouted “you should go away from Europe” in between firing shots at his victims, video analys...



[n] panhandling 物乞い
A new code of conduct alson bans drug use and panhandling.

Ashi ga hayai is just an idiom that describes food that doesn't last long and goes bad quickly, and so is best consumed straight away. During the rainy season, when it gets sticky and humid, a lot of foodstuffs become fast runners.

[v] come forward 名乗り出る
We recognize and applaud the courage and resilience of the women who came forward to make reports and share their experiences.

[v] pass the chalice (責任や重荷を)渡す
It's time to pass the chalice to the next leader.

The Japan Times Alpha より引用



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