The Japan Times Alpha の記事を読んで楽しみながらボキャビルも増やしたいということで、印象に残ったことを記録していきます。
記事にある microclimate system が分からなかったので調べて見た。

The English initially used white British indentured servants to toil on the plantations of tobacco, cotton, indigo and sugar, but Barbados in just a few decades would become England's first truly profitable slave society.
Merkel leaves big shoes to fill.
physically challenged(婉曲表現)
Eating toshikoshi soba, or year-crossing buckwheat noodles, on New Year's Eve.
What does it mean? There are many reasons given, but two stories are widely accepted.
One says that people eat long noodles in the hope of living a long life. Another says that biting off noodles signifies cutting off the old year, along with all its hardships.
double whammy ダブルパンチ
It's a double whammy --- weather and supply chain problems are really hampering the industry.
to cap it all off 挙句の果てに
I was tired and hungry, and, to cap it all off, it began to rain.
The Japan Times Alpha より引用