The Japan Times Alpha の記事を読んで楽しみながらボキャビルも増やしたいということで、印象に残ったことを記録していきます。
Botox comes from a type of bacteria, which blocks nerve endings by causing temporary paralysis.
あとはオーストリアで極右自由党が第一党に、運動は週末戦士 (Weekend warriors) でも大丈夫、赤毛のアン、地面師たちが面白かった。
But at the end of the day, it simply seems people love to watch others do really bad things. As the wrongdoing becomes more evil and elaborate, our disgust seems to turn to admiration.
matchmaking event 婚活イベント
She married the guy she met at a matchmaking event.
end-of-life planning 終活(エンディングノートは和製英語)
He started his end-of-life planning in his early 50s.
slush funds 裏金
One of his top priorities would be to rebuild voter trust in the LDP --- which had been heavily damaged by a political slush funds scandal.
The Japan Times Alpha より引用