The Japan Times Alpha の記事を読んで楽しみながらボキャビルも増やしたいということで、印象に残ったことを記録していきます。

"A common saying is that if the atmosphere in the brewery is tense, the sake will turn out harsh, but if things are going well in the brewery, the sake will turn out smooth."
Firefighters didn't put out fires but instead tore down surrounding buildings. They had a water pump, but that was to keep firefighters wet against the blaze.
The video showed Russian soldiers attempting to conceal the identities of dead North Korean servicemen by burning their faces.
[v] yank ぐいと引っ張る
The baby yanked her mother's hand.
burp tax げっぷ税
Money from the "burp tax" was meant to fund research to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from farm animals.
off the market 婚約中の
She was off the market in an Instagram post Dec. 11 of her ring and an embrace with her fiance.
footloose and fancy-free 自由
The world was your oyster and you were footloose and fancy-free.
The Japan Times Alpha より引用