The Japan Times Alpha の記事を読んで楽しみながらボキャビルも増やしたいということで、印象に残ったことを記録していきます。
In a violent world, we need less killing and more kissing.
ロシアが旧正月を謳歌できるのは、今のところは Deathnomics(死の経済)が機能しているからだろう。
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fallout トバッチリ
Just innocent bystanders who get caught up in the crossfire. Unfairly blamed. Wrongly accused. Or perhaps guilty by association, caught up in the backlash of someone else's misdeeds.
To outsiders, your misfortune may be nothing more than collateral damage. Or worse, they might even enjoy watching you get thrown under the bus. There's no way to navigate the fallout.
The Japan Times Alpha より引用