The Japan Times Alpha の記事を読んで楽しみながらボキャビルも増やしたいということで、印象に残ったことを記録していきます。
専門家たちは輝ける失敗(successful failure)として次への開発へのステップとして捉えているそうだ。
SpaceX saves more money in the long run, and takes less time to identify and correct engineering flaws by taking more risks in the development process rather than keeping a large team working for years and years and years trying to get it perfect before you even try it.
日本でも先日 iSpace のローバーが月面着陸に失敗したよね。議員や政治家も同じだと思った。

At universities, students and teachers often enjoy a beer during lectures.
Trams and buses in Prague run till around daybreak so people can generally find their way home.
「負け惜しみ」はまさに、イソップ物語の「酸っぱいぶどう(sour grape)」からきてるんだね。
シネマ倶楽部で紹介されていた Young Plato 見たい!
sour grape 負け惜しみ
My freind didn't get the job he interviewed for. He claims he's got a better job but really that's just sour grape.
[n] bruxism 歯ぎしり (teeth grinding)
For most people who have sleep bruxism, it is not obvious until other problems develop.
[n] extra 号外
People grab newspaper extras reporting Japan's WBC victory on March 22.
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