The Japan Times Alpha の記事を読んで楽しみながらボキャビルも増やしたいということで、印象に残ったことを記録していきます。
While asleep, the frogs concentrate, or "hide," nearly 90% of their blood cells in their liver.

今回の作品は The wonderful Wizard of Oz(オズの魔法使い) だ。すごく分かりやすい説明で、なるほどーと納得だ。より深く読めると思う。
ずっと image はイメージと呼んでました(笑)カタカナで書くならイミッジだろうか。
passive income (unearned income) 不労所得
Passive income is unearned income that is acquired automatically with minimal labor to earn or maintain.
[adj] drop-dead 惚れ惚れするほど
But it charges your phone too --- and all while looking drop-dead gorgeous.
[n] tableau 再現された一場面
The village also features a fascinating tableaux --- stone chairs around a table.
[n] standard-bearer 旗手
The standard-bearer of "the beautiful game" had undergone treatment for colon cancer from 2021.
The Japan Times Alpha より引用