The Japan Times Alpha の記事を読んで楽しみながらボキャビルも増やしたいということで、印象に残ったことを記録していきます。

将来的(約50億年後)には太陽が赤色巨星になって地球を含めた inner planets を飲み込むと言われているんだよね。
転生する異世界アニメが世界的な人気になっているお話。isekaied という語が辞書に登録されたらしい。定義がすごい・・
defined as "the act of being run over by a truck and reborn."

今週は中学生向けの英字新聞 Alpha J のテスト版も付属していた。

ちなみに自分も最初は全く歯が立たなかった。わずか 400 word ほどの文章も「なんて長文なんだ!」と(笑)そしてニュース記事独特の、修飾語がとんでもなく長くて主語と動詞がめちゃくちゃ離れているのに驚いた。
Teens are more aware of the need to protect their online privacy than many adults think.
I want to say to these kids, don't put so much faith in what adults say. There will always be new jobs needed to support the ever-changing world.
In Japanese, you can say "the first time I knew that." This is not possible in English. You can't know something before you learn it (find it out). Knowing is the last step in the process.
Don't feed the troll.
Hitomawari stands for "one cycle, one round," so hitomawari chigau means "one cycle different." But one cycle of what? The answer: the 12-year cycle of the Chinese zodiac.
When we say that two people are "one cycle different," we mean that they are 12 years apart in age. Likewise, people 24 years older or younger are futamawari ("two cycles") different.
[n] boilerplate 決まり文句
You would like to talk about rather than getting caught up in speaking accurately or trying to remember boilerplate grammer patterns from textbooks.
[adj] cloak-and-dagger スパイ活動の
He was arrested after a cloak-and-dagger operation involving the CIA and MI6.
[adj] pent-up 鬱積した
Both experts and fans say the genre taps into the pent-up frustrations of those who feel undervalued and dissatisfied with modern life.
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