The Japan Times Alpha 23.10.20 [UFOキャッチャー、親の七光り、~のように]


The Japan Times Alpha の記事を読んで楽しみながらボキャビルも増やしたいということで、印象に残ったことを記録していきます。



Ideomotor phenomenon

Ideomotor phenomenon - Wikipedia

Essentially, the person holding the planchette makes the movements uncounsciously.


あとは、カリブ海の島国ハイチでの音楽プログラムのお話、Wild encounters、Israel, Hamas, and the blame game が面白かった。

Age is just a number.

When they study, they focus and really put in the work. When they play, they give it their all and have a blast.

He who knows no foreign languages knows nothing of his own. --- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

シネマ倶楽部で紹介されていた Mona Lisa and the Blood Moon 見たい!



Billion-dollar supersize prisons are slated to be built across the U.S. But do they help or hurt public safety?
At least three states are moving forward with plans for larger, pricier prisons, with proponents of such facilities citing the need to address issues of overcro...
Unretiring: More retirees are going back to work because they want to — or need to
Around 7% of retirees are looking for work in retirement, while 20% say they’re already working part time or full time.
Using toilet paper is grosser than you think. Here's a better idea.
Q: I feel like I'm using the wrong toilet paper or what I'm using is too harsh on my skin. How should I be wiping after using the bathroom? A: Instead of wiping...
「老いない」「死なない」は幸福か 哲学者の答え - 日本経済新聞



"UFO catcher" in Japan refers to a claw machine or crane game. This is a type of arcade game with a claw inside a glass box full of goodies like soft toys, massive sweets, gadgets and jewelry.

The aim of the game is to maneuver the claw using buttons or joysticks to grab a prize. And you do this over and over till your money is gone.

UFO CATCHER – 株式会社セガ
ハラハラドキドキ ゲーム気分で楽しさつかみどりこれぞ、UFOキャッチャーシリーズの元祖。2人用のクレーン機で、上部ケース内の階段の上に景品類が並べられ、上からクレーンが吊り下げられている。青ボタンでクレーンが横方向へ(端まで来ると折り返し)スライドし、赤ボタンで後方へ移動する。キャッチしたい景品の真上にクレーンをもって...


nepotism baby 親の七光り

What Is a ‘Nepotism Baby’? (Published 2022)
Gen Zers have turned a term of derision into one of admiration. That doesn’t mean they’re not jealous, though.


[pre] a la ~のように
A viral video shouwe a group climbing up tha facade of a block of flats --- a la Mission Impossible --- in an area near the city centre.

The Japan Times Alpha より引用



にほんブログ村 ライフスタイルブログ 一人暮らしへ


