The Japan Times Alpha の記事を読んで楽しみながらボキャビルも増やしたいということで、印象に残ったことを記録していきます。
幸いにも無毒のヘビで、偶然にも発見した人が trained snake catcher なんてことがあるのかね? 自作自演なんじゃ・・う、うーむ(笑)
あとはタンさんのコラム Group buys や The assembly line が面白かった。共同購入のリアルな様子は「武漢日記 封鎖下60日の魂の記録」にたくさんでてきます。

Vaccination is based on an individual's free will. We must not create a society where those who do not get vaccinated feel guilty or lose out.
It's given pride of place.
be not in the same league レベルが違う
You have to have a master's degree in a science, engineering or math field, or pilot experience. Well, I'm not in the same league.

Why do they scoop dirt? 甲子園の土
When a school loses and is shown the door, players customarily scrape and scoop dirt from the field to take home with them as a memento.
Yes, it's just dirt --- but for the players it's a valuable keepsake that will remind them of the blood, sweat and tears, the joy and heartache of their teenage years.
Today even the final winners sometimes do it.
The Japan Times Alpha より引用