The Japan Times Alpha の記事を読んで楽しみながらボキャビルも増やしたいということで、印象に残ったことを記録していきます。
Odds & Ends の Talk back, talk up のお話。ほんとに talk back というレストランはあるのかね(笑)(ググってません)
以前バイト先で Don't feed me! とバックプリントが入ったTシャツを着た若い女性が、精肉売り場を物色していたのを思い出したわ。
あと Taeko Onuki が面白かった。ほんと今の時代、何がどうなって当たるかは分からない。つまるところ、ロングテールだ。
4:00 A.M. comes from an album that she herself isn't fond of.
I was just doing something for sales, and I did'nt want to release the album, Mignonne. But we did, and the sales actually weren't that good.
The meme-powered success of 4:00 A.M. reminds us that nobody can predict what becomes a hit, but it also shows how even a creator's low points can eventually turn into something more.

While the Women Are Sleeping (邦題「女が眠る時」)は知らなかった。あと御机下も、はー
I think it was the idea of a woman in her 30s still figuring out who she is.
I haven't quite processed it.
It's an acquired taste.
with style カッコよく、粋に、垢ぬけて (cf. with no style)
The defender always plays with style on the field, and he does things with style in his private life as well.
[n] zaddy ファッションセンスのよい魅力的な男性
He could be my Zaddy, all right.
[n] concubine 側室
The entire building has around 300 rooms and could support hundreds of concubines.
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