The Japan Times Alpha の記事を読んで楽しみながらボキャビルも増やしたいということで、印象に残ったことを記録していきます。
新年初めての Alpha だ。
This Week's OMG! の、兄弟が30年以上、趣向を凝らして同じクリスマスギフトを送り合っているお話。大事なのはギフトじゃない、クリエイティビティだ!(笑)仲がいいんだろうね。
They've gotten creative about it.
「大河」は tiger に、「積水ハウス」は sexy house に、「ホッチキス」は hot kiss に。ネイティブはこういう風に聞こえるんだろうな。

あとは Capitalism と、中国のグリーンエネルギーへの転換で住民と軋轢ができているお話。
Pi says villagers were forced to sign contracts. Those who didn't agree were beaten by the police, he said.
After a public protest, Pi was jailed for 40 days, while Long languished in prison for nine months for illegally gathering and disturbing the peace.

be stuck up お高くとまる
He's stuck up about how he graduated from a good school.
シネマ倶楽部で紹介された Silk Road は見たい!閉鎖されたダークウェブだ。
We can all thank popular YouTuber/TikToker Toua, of the gender-fluid trio Uchirasanshimai, for the No.1 word among high school girls in 2021: kimazetto.
It's simply a new twist on the word kimazui, so "awkward is exactly what kimazetto means anyway.
In Engish, "awkward" already has an established slang version: "awks."
creature comforts 肉体的快楽
This just emphasises my need for creature comforts --- things that make me feel physically comfortable.
shrinkflation シュリンクフレーション
Shrinkflation is when a product gets smaller but the price stays the same.
The Japan Times Alpha より引用