The Japan Times Alpha の記事を読んで楽しみながらボキャビルも増やしたいということで、印象に残ったことを記録していきます。
この記事を読んで真っ先に、テイラースウィフトが Apple を相手に報酬が不十分だと訴えていたのを思い出した。

Lean-back music, the artist says, is music users hear based on curated playlists, while lean-forward songs are those listeners specifically seek out or bookmark.
キップさんの記事でダイゴさん(メンタリストじゃないほう)を思い出した(笑)あとステノフィラコーヒーを飲んでみたい。コートジボワールは Ivory Coast らしい、初めて知った!
Die with memories, not dreams.
We were spending way too much time looking down at our phones instead of throwing our heads up at the sky.
Among the many ways to express a feeling of despair when you're in an unfortunate situation, "I'm screwed" is probably the closest to tsunda. However, tsunda comes from the winning move in shogi, so I'll go with the chess equivalent: "Checkmate."
[adj] naggy しつこく小言を言う
Am I a naggy person?
[adj] topsy-turvy めちゃくちゃに混乱した
She was used to commuting an hour to get to the office before COVID turned our lives topsy-turvy.
The Japan Times Alpha より引用