The Japan Times Alpha 23.7.28 [はしゃぎ回る、手に負えない悪さをする、耐える]


The Japan Times Alpha の記事を読んで楽しみながらボキャビルも増やしたいということで、印象に残ったことを記録していきます。


Country Living が最終回だった。綺麗な自然の草花や、美味しそうな料理の画像だけで癒されるね。

Moreover, your preferred location can change as you age.



あとは Mark Twain と Science & Health の記事が全部面白かった。

セックスロボットと人造肉 テクノロジーは性、食、生、死を征服できるか
「セックスロボットと人造肉 テクノロジーは性、食、生、死を征服できるか」を読み終えた。 . . 著者はイギリスのジャーナリストで、ドキュメンタリー制作者だそうだ。 . 原題は「Adventures at the Frontier of Birth, Food, Sex and Death」でこの人の本は初めて読んだ。 . . ■ . . ハーモニーの人格には2...



It's not exclusively true that men have always been the most revered or held the most authority.

with early viewers saying the lack of information made the experience more exciting.

home in on (zero in on) 焦点を当てる
U.K. researchers have homed in on a human gene implicated in thwarting most bird flu viruses from infecting people.


‘Heat health emergency’: Nearly half the US at risk as dangerous heat expands and intensifies in the Northeast
Heat is intensifying for millions of people in the Northeast and mid-Atlantic Thursday, creating a “heat health emergency” as nearly half of the country bakes i...
Alien spaceship ‘could have crash-landed on Mars’
An alien spaceship crash landing cannot be ruled out as the cause of the strange pointy protrusions found on Mars, scientists have said.
They couldn't get Taylor Swift tickets. So they got jobs at the venues.
As the founder of an app that connects workers with hospitality gigs, Davis Waddell knows there's always a surge in applications for high-profile events: Footba...
State passes new law that will require electric car owners to pay 0 every year: ‘That’s embarrassing … for all of us’
"Consumers should not be punished for choosing a cleaner, greener car that saves them money on fuel and maintenance."



[v] cavort はしゃぎ回る
The photos showed her cavorting on the beach with her new lover.

Cavort in a sentence (esp. good sentence like quote, proverb...)
29+1 sentence examples: 1. She cavorted about in the shallow water. 2. They were spotted cavorting beside the swimming pool. 3. The photograph shows him cavorti...

[adj] wayward 手に負えない悪さをする
Wildlife officials were trying to capture a wayward sea otter July 13.

[v] take it 耐える
If you want to criticize people, you have to be able to take it when they criticize you.

The Japan Times Alpha より引用



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