The Japan Times Alpha の記事を読んで楽しみながらボキャビルも増やしたいということで、印象に残ったことを記録していきます。
The casules were designed to be detachable and changed to new ones, or recyvled, every 25 years. That never happend.

Then you strain for a bit and for your effort you're rewarded with your own unko on a stick.

Islamic State West Africa Province.
イスラム国 西アフリカ州(ボコハラムの分派)
creditor nation は債務国ではなく債権国だろうね。
What's a senryu? It's poem with the same structure as a haiku: three lines of five, seven and five syllables.
A senryu is more casual and satirical reflection on everyday life. The "Sara-Sen" poetry competition is held annually by the Daiichi Life Insurance firm.
Since its start in 1987, office workers from around Japan have sent in countless creations about their woes and tirbulations in life --- from dealing with toxic bosses and getting the cold shoulder from their wives, to trying (and failing) to lose weight.
You'd be surprised at the way that dark and self-deprecating themes can turn out to be fun, witty, lighthearted and chucklesome.
[v] get the cold shoulder 冷たくあしらわれる
[adj] self-deprecating 自虐的な
[n] shrink 精神科医
We diagnose them with right for the local shrink.
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