The Japan Times Alpha 23.6.16 [若さゆえの愚かな考え、時代を先取りした、ファンシー]


The Japan Times Alpha の記事を読んで楽しみながらボキャビルも増やしたいということで、印象に残ったことを記録していきます。




Mac, Mc は「~の息子」というのは4月15日号にあったね。

The Japan Times Alpha 22.4.15 [ひざまくら、焼きたてパン]
The Japan Times Alpha の記事を読んで楽しみながらボキャビルも増やしたいということで、印象に残ったことを記録していきます。 . . ■2022.4.15日号の記事から(完読度70%) . 日本のバブル期に流行したシティーポップが、世界中でブームになっているお話。亜蘭知子さんは知らなかった。ファッションしかり、食べ物しかりで、まさに Trends come ...

あとはノートルダム大聖堂の再建のお話、ダンスボーカルユニットの「新しい学校」、 A mountain of record が面白かった。

「新しい学校」は知らなかったので Youtube で聞いてみた。

ATARASHII GAKKO! - オトナブルー (Official Music Video)



but despite not making a concentrated effort to appeal to a foreign audience, their digital presence attracted a following from people all over the world.



A Chinese climber saved from Mount Everest has been caught in a social-media firestorm after being accused of refusing to pay a promised ,000 fee to the Sherpas who rescued her
Liu was castigated by the Chinese internet when the news broke, but the company employing the Sherpas said her crew had since settled all expenses.



A man knocked down a wall in his basement. He found an abandoned underground city that was once home to 20,000 people.
Derinkuyu, a subterranean city in Turkey that stretches 280 feet below Earth's surface, was rediscovered by a man looking for his lost chickens.



youthful folly 若さゆえの愚かな考え
Or have you aged beyond such youthful follies and now look back at yesterdays?

[adj] ahead-of-the-curve 時代を先取りした
Such ahead-of-the-curve thinking can also be seen in its aquisition of Rowells.

But in Japan, the word is used to describe things that are far from luxurious or sophistecated. No, fanshi (fancy) in Japan means cute, sweet, playful, and adorable.

Think ribbons, laces, pastel colors, floral patterns, polka dots, lovable illustrations, that sort of stuff.

The Japan Times Alpha より引用



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