The Japan Times Alpha の記事を読んで楽しみながらボキャビルも増やしたいということで、印象に残ったことを記録していきます。
日本のバブル期に流行したシティーポップが、世界中でブームになっているお話。亜蘭知子さんは知らなかった。ファッションしかり、食べ物しかりで、まさに Trends come and go だね。
Nothing last forever though, and early trendsetters who started getting into city pop online in the 2010s are already moving on.
あと The magic of homemade food がとても良かった。
O'Brien, O'Sullivan, O'Connor
O' はof が省略されたもので「~の子孫」という意味
McDonald, Macmillan, McEneany
Mac, Mc は「~の息子」という意味
It is not half so important to know as to feel.
The term, hizamakura, means "resting one's head on another's lap."
This action of one offering their hiza to serve as the other's makura (pillow) is a gesture of affection, trust, love and comfort --- be it between partners, between friends, or by a parent to their child.
Hiza not only stands for the joint between the thigh and the lower leg, but also includes the thigh area of a seated person --- the lap.
fresh baked bread (freshly baked bread) 焼きたてパン
One can buy most any type of common foodstuffs here, as well as freshly baked bread in the morning.

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