The Japan Times Alpha の記事を読んで楽しみながらボキャビルも増やしたいということで、印象に残ったことを記録していきます。
まず真空チューブを高速移動するハイパーループのお話。将来的には速度966Kmを見据えていて、もし実現するとニューヨーク - ワシントン間を30分で移動できるようになるそうだ。
There are also tight sections in certain temples that require workers to crawl through, navigating their way around jutting sculptures as they attempt not to unnecessarily come into contact with the friezes.
タンさんのコラム So near, yet so far. 距離が気になったのでジョホール海峡(the strait of Johor Bahru)を調べて見た。

Absence makes the heart grow fonder, doesn't it?
シネマ倶楽部で紹介されていた Love Sarah が見たい!ちなみに「ノッティングヒルの恋人」は見たことがある(笑)
pochiru ポチる
It's a coined term made up of two components.
Pochi is a Japanese onomatopoeia for pushing a button. With the suffix ru, which is used to turn various words into verbs, pochiru means to "push the button." But it's not just any button, it's the "buy button."
So, pochiru is used to describe the act of purchasing something online.
[v] travel well 通用する
Exactly! I'm glad to see the phrase travels well.
[n] globetrotting 世界を回ること
Though the pandemic has put a temporary hold on his globetrotting, Maeda says it has freed up some time to reflect on his role in the bigger picture.
The Japan Times Alpha より引用