The Japan Times Alpha の記事を読んで楽しみながらボキャビルも増やしたいということで、印象に残ったことを記録していきます。
Interview が面白かった。西山ももこさんは日本で2人しかいない intimacy coordinator らしい。こんな職業があるのは初めて知った。

The coordinator presides over intimate scenes in film and television to make sure the actors doing the scene and the creators filming it are all on the same page.
It means no one can force an actor to take off more clothing than they are willing to shed, or expose more of themselves in front of the camera.

ハイムリッヒ法 Heimlich maneuver

You were a big hit.
[n] foreshadowing 伏線
Inspiring dialogue, clever foreshadowing and relatable characters are often cited by One Piece super fans as the reason for their infatuation.
[v] go about 取り組む
The answer you picked will reveal how you want to go about doing this.
The Japan Times Alpha より引用