The Japan Times Alpha の記事を読んで楽しみながらボキャビルも増やしたいということで、印象に残ったことを記録していきます。
The patient must be irradiated during sugery to acculately gauge the position of the instrument inserted.

サイバーセキュリティの専門家、名和利男さんへの Interview がすごく良かった。
Most Japanese are unaware of the clear and present danger that surrounds them.
They're like small children who may be curious about what's going on in the world but unable to comprehend. They need an adult to explain things to them with easily digestible information.
The Japanese language is not very conductive to fact-gathering and reporting. English, on the other hand, has much more precision and is functional in terms of understanding current events.

あとはカメルーンの「王の布」のお話、Sweet fear が面白かった。
先に Center Spread を読んでいたらクロスワードの Xylophone は出てきたなー(笑)
シネマ倶楽部で紹介されていた The Alpinist 見たい!
Japanese school socks ルーズソックス
Gyaru fashion of decades ago is enjoying a resurgence.
Outside of Japan many people recognize the sloucy, baggy socks: They're a staple of Japanese TV and films, cosplayers around the world still wear them, and they're even sold as "Japanese school socks."
ちなみに、日本のギャルのカウンターパートにあたるのが Valley girl だそうだ。
The Japan Times Alpha より引用