The Japan Times Alpha の記事を読んで楽しみながらボキャビルも増やしたいということで、印象に残ったことを記録していきます。
New Zealand embraces teddies to help make lockdown bear-able.
New Zealand began a four-week lockdown on March25, but people are still allowed outside to exercise if they keep a safe distance from each other. In other words, bear-spotting is okay.
In a grimly ironic twist, the author of the book is hospitalized with symptoms similar to COVID-19.
ケビンさんの Keep your distance のお話も面白かった(笑)
As my father put it: "I used to cough to cover up the sound of a fart, now I fart to cover up a cough."
Billy no-mates 一人ぼっち
I looked like Billy no-mates without anyone to chat with.
[n] foot-dragging 対応の遅さ
The typical response is foot-dragging followed by a sense of urgency that drives big policy changes.
[n] caremongering 相手を気遣う活動をする事
In Canada, helping others has become an organised movement called "caremongering".
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