英語でコレなんという? [パンティー、優柔不断な]


The Japan Times Alpha の記事を読んで楽しみながらボキャビルも増やしたいということで、印象に残ったことを記録していきます。


"Hey, you should've told me! That's so mizu kusai of you."

In this case, the term describes an act of someone being reserved and distant, even to longtime friends.

It's usually not used in a reproachful way but more to express affection for that person and to prod them to share more with thier friends.



Lee would select bras and panties to steal based on thier appearance.

I moved halfway across the world for her but she wouldn't move 500 kilometers for me!

あと Rambo : Last Blood が見たい!シルベスター・スタローンも74歳か・・・全然見えねー、こんな74歳いないわ(笑)



[n] knicker パンティー
A knicker nicker was nicked for lockdown breach.

[adj] wishy-washy 優柔不断な、水っぽい
Our boss is so wishy-washy.

The Japan Times Alpha より引用



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