英語でコレなんという? [はしゃぐ、有名な]


The Japan Times Alpha の記事を読んで楽しみながらボキャビルも増やしたいということで、印象に残ったことを記録していきます。

ポーランドのゲーム産業の話が特に面白かった。今年リリースされるPS4の Cyberpunk2077 もポーランドのゲーム会社 CD Projekt が作っているそうだ、すごい!国民の半数がゲーマーとはどんな国だよ(笑)

Nearly half of Poland's 38 million population identify as gamers, while there are around 400 active gaming companies.



One Timkat custom calls for young men to throw lemons at women they find attractive, aiming for the heart to signal their intentions.

A common joke in Gondar is that insted of throwing lemons at their crushes, young men today would do better to throw iPhones.



[v] cavort はしゃぐ
She rolled and cavorted in the snow.

[adj] marquee 有名な
Lizzo had already won two awards in the pre-gala event that led into music's marquee night.

The Japan Times Alpha より引用




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