The Japan Times Alpha の記事を読んで楽しみながらボキャビルも増やしたいということで、印象に残ったことを記録していきます。
まず老化の速度を遅らせるタンパク質の記事。その正体は転写因子Nrf2で、これは「LIFE SPAN 老いなき世界」にも書いてある。
The book store recieves 30% of the sale price.
If the sale is made from's sitewide search bar, 10% of the sale price will be placed in a common fund and redistributed among the members.
It's almost entirely driven by people's understanding that where they expend their money matters.
以前の記事で読んだ、顔にメークをして AI による顔認識システムに対抗するアート集団の話を思い出した。
昔ファミコンに「ソロモンの鍵」というゲームがあって当時は当然何も分からずに遊んでいた(笑)「ソロモン = 賢者」というイメージは漠然とあるよね。
"Please, my load, do not kill the baby, Give her the child." The other woman said, "Neither I nor you shall have him. Give him in two!"
Something that was meant to be sad became something that brings joy.
In America, the nail that sticks out sometimes wins!
He is always pulling rank.
with pomp and circumstance 威風堂々と
With pomp and circumstance, he stuck a decorated Chirstmas tree into the salty island.
[adj] fly-on-the-wall 日常の姿を捉えた(撮影を意識しない)
They have a plan to document thier first foray into the sport in a fly-on-the-wall TV show.
[n] top コマ
The top is spinning clockwise.
The Japan Times Alpha より引用