The Japan Times Alpha の記事を読んで楽しみながらボキャビルも増やしたいということで、印象に残ったことを記録していきます。

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the things you did.
He made sure that I made it.

Romance at short notice was her speciality.
enigma は閃いた!ピカーン!15分かかった(笑)
one mile look ご近所コーデ
That's her "one mile look rule."
economic blackout 買い物停電(一日だけでも買い物をやめようという運動)
This year, activists plan to hold "economic blackouts" in the U.S.
[v] deliver 活躍する、期待に応える
Shohei Ohtani and Yoshinobu Yamamoto delivered for the Los Angels Dodgers.
The Japan Times Alpha より引用