The Japan Times Alpha の記事を読んで楽しみながらボキャビルも増やしたいということで、印象に残ったことを記録していきます。
AirTags and Tiles が面白かった。アップルのブランド価値は凄いね、アルバイトには手が出ない(笑)
Liberty and freedom も良かった。このコラムは大好きだ。
Today, particularly in America, there are many who claim "rights" for themselves.
This applies to gun ownership, political power and the right to decide whether to get vaccinted or wear a mask.
They forget that there is one sisuation in which government can interfere with the freedom of individuals: to protect other indeviduals.
■ 最近気になったニュース
If it's all the same with you 差し支えなければ
If it's all the same with you, I'll stick to taking photos of them.
spiking こっそり飲み物に薬物を混ぜること
The boycott was a protest against reports of drink spiking and needle spiking.
The word ponkotsu may originally have been used to describe a car that was on its last legs.
Rather than being useless tools, they're more like nitwits, knuckleheads, numbskulls, birdbarains, dingbats...
In fact, I think ponkotsu are my personal favorite: "nincompoops."

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