The Japan Times Alpha 23.11.10 [親のすねをかじる、反則行為の映像による再検証、~のようだ]


The Japan Times Alpha の記事を読んで楽しみながらボキャビルも増やしたいということで、印象に残ったことを記録していきます。



MESH --- or mental, emotional and social health

While there's evidence that skills highligted by the MESH task force can build resillience, there's no evidence that the toys themselves will, he said.


BEANIE MANIA 全米を狂わせたぬいぐるみ
「BEANIE MANIA 全米を狂わせたぬいぐるみ」を見終わった。 . . 1990年代、アメリカで小型のぬいぐるみ「ビーニーベイビーズ」の熱狂的ブームが起こった。生みの親であるタイ・ワーナーは人々の購買意欲をかき立てぬいぐるみの価値は信じられないほど高騰。しかし2000年代に入るとバブルは一気にはじけ(U-NEXTより) . . 感想は・・・面白かった! . ...

ルアンの4コマ目は分からなかった(笑) ヤードバーズ、イーグルス、ビートルズ、monkey のバンドは何だろう?


The coin payment was a "symbolic middle finger."



The glass bridge that broke and killed a tourist in Indonesia wasn't even half an inch thick, investigators say
Authorities charged Edi Suseno with negligence that led to the accident on the glass bridge. Police said he designed the bridge.
55 Chinese sailors allegedly died after falling into their own undersea trap
China has, of course, denied the incident ever occurred, but some 55 Chinese sailors aboard a submarine designated 093-417 are presumed dead.
Environmental disasters and ‘dark’ tourism: The modern-day ghost towns created by the climate crisis
Think of “ghost towns” and images of dusty, lost-to-time towns, like those in America’s Wild West, may come to mind. But a new era of ghost towns is now emergin...



[v] leech off one's parents 親のすねをかじる
Anyway, parasite singles leech off their parents.

bunker review 反則行為の映像による再検証
All Blacks skipper Sam Cane was the first player to be sent off in a title-decider when his yellow card was upgraded to red after a bunker review before halftime.

I'm gonna say that ~のようだ
Yeah, I'm gonna say that was a big hit.

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