The Japan Times Alpha の記事を読んで楽しみながらボキャビルも増やしたいということで、印象に残ったことを記録していきます。
あとは The dreams we have と Teacher shot by 6-year-old at Virginia school が興味深かった。悪夢はきついよね。

[v] gather ~だろうと推測する
I gather you've got something for me from Hokkaido?
bantam チャボ(小型の鶏)
featherweight 羽
flyweight ハエ
シネマ倶楽部で紹介されていた Fall 見たいなー
love fortune-telling slip 恋みくじ
I drew a love fortune-telling slip.
[v] click うまくいく
Everything started clicking quickly for the band.

kagami mochi --- two rounded mochi cakes --- are traditional offerings prepared at the end of the year for Toshigami, the god of fortune and good harvests.
Toshigami is said to visit and dwell in the rice patties during New Year's.
On Jan. 11, when the rice patties become rock-hard, people smash them open to send off the god --- then eat the mochi for good luck and good health.

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