The Japan Times Alpha の記事を読んで楽しみながらボキャビルも増やしたいということで、印象に残ったことを記録していきます。
それぞれ意味があるのが興味深くて、これがいわゆる resurreccion にあたるんだろうか。
The person is tilted backward until he or she is completely under water three times. The pastor says the same phrases abobe.
The symbolism is that the person has symbolically died and been reborn when he or she comes out of the water the third time.
The real world is in many ways weirder, stranger and more fantastical than anything in our imagination can cover.
あとは何といっても、ポーランドのゲーム会社が発売した Cyberpunk 2077 がバグだらけで株価が暴落した話。以前のAlphaの記事でこの制作会社の記事を読んだのを思い出した。


BOGO 一つ買えば一つタダ
There's always advertising to make us buy more, like the popular gimmick BOGO (buy one get one free), or some special sale going on.
[v] ring in (新年を)迎え入れる
Let's ring in 2021 and keep our fingers crossed.
[v] rub off on 乗り移る
We might just do that! Your excitement must be rubbing off on me.
The Japan Times Alpha より引用