The Japan Times Alpha の記事を読んで楽しみながらボキャビルも増やしたいということで、印象に残ったことを記録していきます。

Today, pig heart valves are widely used in humans, and pig skin is grafted one human burn victims.
Pigs make the ideal donors because of their size, their rapid growth and large litters.
Idioms from the weather で Silver lining の語源を初めて知った。この言葉もよく出てくるよなー
Was I decieved or did a sable cloud turn forth silver lining on the night? (John Milton)

あとはビバリーさんのエッセイと Country Living が面白かった。

cold gun が分からなかったので調べてみた、なるほど。cold war とかも似ているかもしれないね。

This term refers to a prop gun which has been checked and may contain a blank charge for mimicking muzzle flashes.
It really is about 重要なのは~だ
It really is about knowing what makes you happy.
last but not least 最後だけれど重要な
There are various delicious ways to enjoy this delicacy, from oyster gratin dishes to oyster cream stew and, last but not least, raw oysters a la oyster-bar style ... mmm, yum!
The Japan Times Alpha より引用