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今週は何と言ってもキップさんの Beware of dangerous religious cults! とチャドさんの投資トラブルが面白かった(とてもよかったので長めに引用させてもらいました)


Polls give Truss an edge with Tory members.
Most religious are led by charismatic leaders who claim to be messengers of God. These self-appointed gurus use their "divine authority" to isolate their members, control their lives and train them to obey orders.
To get new members, cults often target idealistic young people and rich older women who are widowed or divorced.
Once you enter a cult, the process of brainwashing begins. Peer pressure and emotional blackmail are used to change your personality and alter your beliefs.
To help your "spiritual progress," the cult forces you to cut off contact with "unhealthy influences" such as your family, friends, and relatives.
To make sure that you're kept busy chanting, reading holy texts and blocking out "negative" thoughts.
To support the cult, you're pressured to buy "holy" goods, pay for expensive training, give the leader your money and sell flowers on street corners.

The weired thing about money is that we all want more for less, even though it feels wrong.
We dream of getting rich and living happily ever after, but real happiness has nothing to do with money.
Deep down, we know the secret to a turly rich life, and that's why I always have a smile on my face.
Deep down 本心では
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