The Japan Times Alpha の記事を読んで楽しみながらボキャビルも増やしたいということで、印象に残ったことを記録していきます。
タンさんの Money matters が面白かった。

While Singapore has laws that require children to support their parents, not many are keen to invoke them.

あとは人工降雨装置のお話。それでもアセトンと混ぜたヨウ化銀の雨はイヤだなー。麻雀牌が tile なのは知らなかった!
Whenever something gets me down I tell myself to remember the days when I wanted so badly to have the achievements I have now.
[adj] brazen ずうずうしい、露骨な
The five were convicted under a colonial-era sedition law in a case denounced by rights campaigners as a brazen act of repression.
[v] stroke なでる (cf. pet)
He strokes the shell of Janus the tortoise.
quiet quitting 無言の離脱
The quiet quitting trend counters the hustle culture of some workplace.
The Japan Times Alpha より引用