The Japan Times Alpha の記事を読んで楽しみながらボキャビルも増やしたいということで、印象に残ったことを記録していきます。
There's little chance of running across private property, so few places off-limits, she said. You don't need to open a gate, you don't need to have permission from anyone.
Tokyo Swindlers 地面師たち
Denki Groove appeared at the Fuji Rock Festival and played a part in Netflix's globally distributed drama series Tokyo Swindlers.

Kidult キダルト(kid と adult の造語で子ども心を忘れない大人)
About 35,000 toy items were showcased at International Tokyo Toy Show 2024, including classic toys aimed to attract "Kidults."
This animal is called a tanuki, or raccoon dog, and it's there as a good luck charm. It's a play on words using the name tanuki --- ta can also mean "others" and nuki (from nuku) stands for "to surpass." Owners place this animal outside their premises in the hope that it will help them "do better than other restaurants."
The Japan Times Alpha より引用