The Japan Times Alpha の記事を読んで楽しみながらボキャビルも増やしたいということで、印象に残ったことを記録していきます。
理由は大きく2つあって、まずはサービス残業(undeclared labor)だらけの劣悪な労働環境、もうひとつは労働者が報われない税制なのかな。日本でも海外に仕事を求める人が増えているよね。

あとはルアンとクランプスのお話、 The word of the year が面白かった。
[adj] cutesy かわい子ぶった
J-pop idol projects tend to emphasize girlish charm and cutesy melodies.
No sooner said than done!
fun fact 面白い一面
Can you give us a quick self-information? How about where you're from, role in the company and one fun fact?

Negitoro is a quintessential Japanese dish of minced raw tuna and green onion. In fact, Negitoro actually has nothing to do with scallions --- it's sometimes served without them --- or the prized, richly marbled part of tuna.
Negitoro began as a blend of meat from various parts of the fish, scraped from the bones and skins that were left after filleting.
The word negitoro is said to come from negitoru, the verb that describes the act of scraping off the meat.
(cf. green onion, scallion, leek)
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