The Japan Times Alpha の記事を読んで楽しみながらボキャビルも増やしたいということで、印象に残ったことを記録していきます。

[v] adult
Adulting means to behave as an adult. This usually means doing the mundane everyday tasks that teenagers find boring!
"I've been adulting today, tidying my room and cleaning the kitchen."
top banana
It now means excellent or the very best.

side hustle
A side hustle is in the dictionary to mean a way to make money in addition to your main job.

Highland は「スコットランドの高地地方」という意味だそうだ。ウサギの数え方は1匹、2匹じゃないらしい。ほんとかおい!(笑)
When counting things like people, objects, events and so on, you need to use a counter word.
So, "five people" is gonin --- go means "five" and nin is the counter for "person."
Other counters are satsu for books, mai for flat things like paper, hiki for small animals, to for large animals, and wa for birds.
[adj] paunchy 太鼓腹の
Every year I get a little paunchier.
De-fi 分散型金融
De-Fi stands for decentralized finance, a new system that doesn't rely on banks and other financial institutions.
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