The Japan Times Alpha の記事を読んで楽しみながらボキャビルも増やしたいということで、印象に残ったことを記録していきます。
クッパは Bowzer というんだね。そしてなんとスペインには Super Mario Bros Avenue というストリートがあるそうだ、はー

XG (it stands for "Xtraoridnary Girls")
all boasting Japanese heritage but based in South Korea
XG sings in English, a strategy many K-pop acts have embraced in recent years to achieve greater attention Stateside.

more than a little 少なからず、非常に
He became more than a little aware of the lack of diversity and free thinking in Japan.
シネマ倶楽部で紹介されていた The Desperate Hour 見たい!
[n] excuseflation 言い訳(便乗)値上げ
Excuseflation is coined from the words "excuse" and "inflation."
Wearing a mask is optional.
Wearing masks is a personal choice.
Wearing a mask is at the discretion of the individual.
[v] shift (買い手が付きにくい物を)売り払う
The main Super Mario games have since shifted more than 400 million units.
The Japan Times Alpha より引用