The Japan Times Alpha 23.5.26 [首を伸ばす、貧乏くじを引く、煮詰める]


The Japan Times Alpha の記事を読んで楽しみながらボキャビルも増やしたいということで、印象に残ったことを記録していきます。




Police respond to 'person' crying for help, find 'very upset' screaming goat: VIDEO
"I think that's a person. That's a person," said Officer David Sneed as he began running toward "a distinct yell for 'help.'"


鼻炎やアレルギーは無いけど、柔らかいティッシュを使いたいということでこのカシミアティッシュを使っている。 . ■ . このティッシュは「鼻をかむときだけ専用」に使っていて、横には普通のティッシュを無印の透明なケースに入れ替えて置いてある。つまり何かあっても安心の2箱運用だ(笑) . カシミアティッシュと書いてあるだけあって肌触りがやさしくて、とても柔らかい上品なティッシュで...


Winnie-the-Pooh went to a very muddy place that he knew of, and rolled and rolled until he was black all over;




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A businessman, whom people say looked just like any other traveler, arrived at Haneda Airport in Tokyo. Upon checking his passport, authorities found that he c...
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A man in China’s Fujian province lost a whopping 4.3 million yuan (approximately 0,000) in 10 minutes to a scammer who harnessed the powers of artificial int...



[v] crane (首を)伸ばす
I craned my neck to try to see better.

[v] get the short of the stick 貧乏くじを引く
Cater to their needs if they cater to yours. Make sure neither of you gets the short of the stick.

[v] reduce ~を煮詰める
What I cooked here is poultry, guinea fowl slowly roasted with a nice crayfish jus, very reduced, very intense, with a poulette sauce (white sauce).

The Japan Times Alpha より引用



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