The Japan Times Alpha 23.8.11 [W不倫、こまめな水分補給を、だます]


The Japan Times Alpha の記事を読んで楽しみながらボキャビルも増やしたいということで、印象に残ったことを記録していきます。



They couldn't get Taylor Swift tickets. So they got jobs at the venues.
As the founder of an app that connects workers with hospitality gigs, Davis Waddell knows there's always a surge in applications for high-profile events: Footba...

アジア公演はシンガポールと日本だけらしい。せめて国内の人を優先にしてあげて欲しいわ。もう一つは Scalper 対策だろう。


あとは Tradition and change: Fiddler on the Roof とルアン、イギリスの一般市民を巻き込んだ蝶の大規模調査のお話が面白かった。

All's well, I'm happy, I'm in, I'm on it, I get it, I'm with you. 

But the old saying goes, never say never.

with the goofy grin and the glasses hanging at an angle.


Yahoo News
The latest news and headlines from Yahoo! News. Get breaking news stories and in-depth coverage with videos and photos.
The fake meat fad has finally been exposed as a complete waste of money
Last year, a top executive at one of America’s biggest alternative meat product manufacturers was arrested for sinking his teeth into another man during a road ...



Nowadays, I find adultery to be a rather boring way to make life not-so-boring, because it's so commonplace.

There's no phrase in English to describe a illicit relationship where both parties are married to someone else, but you could call it a "double whammy" of sorts.

Stay hydrated.

[v] have ~をだます
Oh! You almost had me.

The Japan Times Alpha より引用



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