The Japan Times Alpha の記事を読んで楽しみながらボキャビルも増やしたいということで、印象に残ったことを記録していきます。
Flames and sandals create a stunning spectacle, with the parabolic mirror proving effective.
あとは、英語なるほどQ&Aとブルガリアのスタラ・ザゴラ、A new type of woman が面白かった。

It's been a wild ride, huh?
I think seeing more images of different-looking women --- in print, online, and on TV --- would help everyone, especially young women, see that they don't need to be typical.
Sugar Baby 頂き女子(金品のために裕福な中高年男性と交際する若い女性)
Mai Watanabe, who went by the moniker "Sugar Baby Riri", dated older men and swindled them out of money by telling them fake heartbreaking stories about herself to gain their sympathy.
fact of life 避けがたい現実
He describes how long hours are a fact of life for systems engineers who sometimes have to go on "death marches."
The most iconic and traditional treats have to be sakura mochi. These are pink-colored rice cakes filled with sweet red bean paste and each wrapped in a cherry blossom leaf. The leaves aren't there for decorative purposes --- you can actually eat them. They are pickled in salt and are great flavor enhancers, with an unbelievably rich aroma.
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