The Japan Times Alpha 24.5.10 [ともだちんこ、機能性表示食品、置き配]


The Japan Times Alpha の記事を読んで楽しみながらボキャビルも増やしたいということで、印象に残ったことを記録していきます。



Inu no Hi: Japan's 'day of the dog' for pregnant women
Inu no Hi is an important pregnancy ritual and rite of passage for pregnant women in Japan. This is my experience of the 'day of the dog' in Tokyo.




Mom, I didn't buy you candy or flowers. They don't last. Instead, I give you my love, which will never end.

But skilled guides cannot be replaced by online knowledge. I think that a good guide is a good entertainer.


「すごい神話」を読み終えた。 . . 著者は沖田瑞穂さんという方だ。日本語、日本文学の博士でインド神話と比較神話の専門家だそうだ。著者の作品は初めてだった。 . . ■ . . 「世界巨人型」の神話は、原初の巨大な巨人や怪物が、殺害されたり死んだりしてその死体から世界が形づくられたと語っている。世界は死体からできている。そして私たちは、その死体の中で生きているのだ。 ...

[v] sit through 辛抱して最後まで見る
All of these apps have a lot of free content, but you'll have to sit through ads.




Super-aged Japan now has 9 million vacant homes. And that’s a problem
The number of vacant houses in Japan has surged to a record high of nine million – more than enough for each person in New York City – as the east Asian country...
First human brain implant malfunctioned, Neuralink says
The first Neuralink implant in a human malfunctioned after several threads recording neural activity retracted from the brain, the Elon Musk-owned startup revea...
Here are the ultraprocessed foods you most need to avoid, according to a 30-year study
Studies have shown that ultraprocessed foods can have a detrimental impact on health. But 30 years of research show they don’t all have the same impact.



Friendick ともだちんこ
The phrase, Yabba dabba doo!, is as iconic as they come, right up there with Dragon Ball's "Kamehameha!" and Obocchama-kun's "Friendick."

functional food 機能性表示食品
Eighteen of the nearly 7,000 products with the functional food label in Japan had recieved over 110 reports from medical professionals as having caused some level of health damage among thier users.

unattended delivery 置き配
I don't want to use the unattended delivery option.

(doorstep / contactless delivery)

The Japan Times Alpha より引用



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