The Japan Times Alpha の記事を読んで楽しみながらボキャビルも増やしたいということで、印象に残ったことを記録していきます。
Engrish のお話。自分もバイト先でお客さんの服にプリントされた英語に目がいく。
一番印象に残っているのは Don't feed me とバックプリントされた服を着て肉をカゴに放り込んでいた女性。
No big deal! のTシャツの若者もいたなー。何を着ようと自由だけどね。
There's no nudity, no cursing, or bad words, not much hate. So, this becomes watchable by the family.
A. Why would anyone do that to themselves?
B. Why do people climb mountains? Because they can. Because they're there.
Out of sight, out of mind.

not give a toss about どうでもいい
As for people you don't give a toss about, they don't deserve your leadership.
[adj] becoming (服装などが)よく似合う
Red looks becoming on you.
The Japan Times Alpha より引用