The Japan Times Alpha の記事を読んで楽しみながらボキャビルも増やしたいということで、印象に残ったことを記録していきます。
記事を読んでフリーダ・カーロさんに興味が湧いて作品を検索してみた。自分はアートのことは分からないが、素人目から見ても凄く力強くインパクトのある作品ばかりで a ribbon around a bomb と呼ばれるのもうなずける。生き方ともに強い女性だなと思った。
The French surrealist Andre Breton called her paintings "a ribbon around a bomb."
She took revenge by having affaires with men and women, including Japanese sculptor Isamu Noguchi.
Her paintings show how Kahlo transformed her pain into a celebration of life.
match made in heaven お似合いの二人
I joked and said they were a "match made in heaven" but Kai didn't think it was funny.
it dosen't come close to ~ing ~には全然およばない
It doesn't come close to saying how much I love you, Toni. No card ever could. There just aren't words that express what you mean to me.
The Japan Times Alpha より引用