The Japan Times Alpha の記事を読んで楽しみながらボキャビルも増やしたいということで、印象に残ったことを記録していきます。
Traditionally, Koreans are considered to be 1 year old when born. Koreans add a year to their age every Jan.1, not on their birthday. This is the age most often used in everyday life.
あとは It's not easy being Santa Claus in today's world! とルアン、昏睡状態から回復した人がギフテッドになったお話が面白かった。

far-right Reich Citizens movement.
Even getting a few English sentences ouf of you mouth will make you feel a lot better.
[n] guesswork 当てずっぽう
A universal vaccine would replace the guesswork that goes into developing annual shots months ahead of flu season each year.
[n] goody-goody いい子ぶったやつ
She’s a real goody-goody --- I hate her!

[adj] go-get-'em 積極的な
She attributes much of her go-get-'em mindset to her grandmother.
The Japan Times Alpha より引用