The Japan Times Alpha 23.2.3 [うるう年、カーマニア、春の海]


The Japan Times Alpha の記事を読んで楽しみながらボキャビルも増やしたいということで、印象に残ったことを記録していきます。






あと My date with Dustin Hoffman が面白かった!ビバリーさんはさぞかし美人だったんだろうな。

"I thought I'd never get you away from that Greek."

"What Greek?" I whisper.



Keep it in the ground. 

Work smarter, not harder.

She took the plunge and found her groove.



The oldest woman alive says she made it to 115 years old — surviving both World Wars and the 1918 flu pandemic — by avoiding 'toxic people'
Science says 115-year-old María Branyas Morera has a point — toxic relationships can impact a person's mortality risk.
Woman mistakenly pronounced dead was found alive in body bag, report says
The 66-year-old unidentified woman was pronounced dead by a nurse on Jan. 3, but was found alive hours later.
A woman with a 100-pound leg spent her childhood hiding. Now she’s a model.
Mahogany Geter, a model in Tennessee, was born with lymphedema in her left leg, which she says caused it to eventually swell to 100 pounds.



leap year うるう年
How often does a leap year come around?

[n] petrolhead カーマニア
In an eye-catching bid to show that cars can be clean while appealing to old-school petrolheads, Toyota showcased zero-emission versions of its 1980s sports range.

It's a Japanese koto and shakuhachi piece called Haru no umi.

It's played everywhere during the New Year's season --- in department stores and convenience stores, in restaurants and on TV.

The music is the creation of composer and koto artist Michio Miyagi, who composed it for an annual Imperial New Year's poetry reading event in 1929.

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