The Japan Times Alpha 23.12.1 [眠れないで寝がえりをうつ、セールス・勧誘お断り、参らせる]


The Japan Times Alpha の記事を読んで楽しみながらボキャビルも増やしたいということで、印象に残ったことを記録していきます。



「ショーシャンクの空に」を見終わった(1994年/アメリカ) . . 妻とその愛人を射殺したとしてショーシャンク刑務所に収容された無実のアンディ。粗暴な刑務主任ハドリーや囚人たちから暴力を受けながらも、彼は持ち前の親しみやすさと元銀行家の手腕を生かし徐々に信頼を勝ち得ていく。そして20年の月日が流れ(U-NEXTより) . . 「タイトルは有名で知っているけれど、見たこ...



トヨタの「ギガキャスト」とは、どんな生産技術? テスラも採用 - 日本経済新聞

あとは、子宮を2つ持つ女性が両方で同時に妊娠したお話、72年ぶりの英国王のスピーチ、yarn bombing が面白かった。


Charles is barred from expressing his view on the measures he read out on behalf of "my goverment."


Trust but verify, as the old saying goes.

Art is a lie that makes us realize truth. (Pablo Ruiz Picasso)


それでは、Season's greetings 🙂



An agency created an AI model who earns up to ,000 a month because it was tired of influencers 'who have egos'
Aitana López is a Spanish AI model and influencer with 124,000 followers on Instagram. She was created by a Barcelona-based agency.
Teachers and students grapple with fears and confusion about new laws restricting pronoun use
Indianapolis high school senior Caston Peters had used they and them or he and him pronouns at school for three years without a problem, but they came home a fe...
China begins building underwater data center with performance equal to 6 million PCs — aims to save 122 million KWh of electricity and nearly ten soccer fields of land
China Central Television reports that China has added another data module to the country's commercial underwater data center (UDC) off Hainan Island.
These people experienced complications from weight-loss drugs. Here's what it's like.
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toss and turn 眠れないで寝がえりをうつ
I went to bed with too much on my mind. I couldn't sleep and was tossing and turning in my bed for hours.

No soliciting セールス・勧誘お断り
No soliciting or canvassing.

[v] floor (人を)参らせる
Once she got to London, however, Yanai was floored.

The Japan Times Alpha より引用



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