The Japan Times Alpha 24.7.5 [こたつ記事、縮毛矯正、そうこなくっちゃ、搾る]


The Japan Times Alpha の記事を読んで楽しみながらボキャビルも増やしたいということで、印象に残ったことを記録していきます。





あとはシニアのブレイクダンスチーム、Travelling light, Election denial が面白かった。



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「いいね!いらない」普通の人が編む真実 ウィキペディア創設者 - 日本経済新聞



Kotatsu-kiji is a term that describes articles written from home that consist solery of information from TV, social media and various websites. A kotatsu is a traditional Japanese heated table and kiji means "article." Imagine a writer sending reports from the comfort of their home, keeping their feet warm under a heat lamp, instead of actually going out and doing the research. The term often refers to insignificant and pointless stories.

hair straightening 縮毛矯正
Japanese hair straightening uses a chemical solution to break down and soften the hair’s bonds, which are responsible for hair structure and shape.

*縮毛は culry hair, frizzy hair, kinky hair

Everything You Need to Know About Japanese Hair Straightening for Sleek, Silky Locks
Hairstylists break down the process of Japanese hair straightening, including what is Japanese hair straightening, is Japanese hair straightening damaging, how ...

Now we're talking そうこなくっちゃ
That's the spirit! Now we're talking.

[v] express (果汁・油・母乳などを)搾る
The law requires employers in the state to provide a half-hour of paid bareak time to workers who need to express breast milk for up to three years after children.

The Japan Times Alpha より引用



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