The Japan Times Alpha の記事を読んで楽しみながらボキャビルも増やしたいということで、印象に残ったことを記録していきます。
Around 57% of college students don't want to fall in love.

Brain rot 脳腐れ
Oxford defines brain rot as "the supposed deterioration of a person's mental or intellectual state, especially viewed as the result of over consumption of material (now particularly online content) considered to be trivial or unchallenging."

他に候補に挙がったのは demure(控え目な) slop(AIが生成した不正確な画像や文章) dynamic pricing(変動料金制) romantasy(ロマンスとファンタジーを組みあわせた小説のジャンル) lore(ある分野の知識 の5つ。
あとは、バイデン大統領の恩赦が面白かった。エッフェル塔は the Iron Lady とは!
[v] demostrate a sideways stamp 四股を踏む
Kitanowaka demostrated a sideways stamp.
AGI Artificial general intelligence 人口汎用知能
a hypothetical type of intelligent agent that has the potential to accomplish any intellectual task that human can
In Japanese, science and chemistry are homophones --- words pronounced the same but written differently. Science is 科学 and chemistry 化学. So, to avoid confusion, people deliberately read out the kanji 化 using the Japanese-style reading, bakeru, and say bakegaku when talking about chemistry.
The Japan Times Alpha より引用