The Japan Times Alpha の記事を読んで楽しみながらボキャビルも増やしたいということで、印象に残ったことを記録していきます。
"Discrimination infects the soul." Here, discrimination is implicitly compared to a harmful disease that spreads and needs to be stopped or eradicated.

あとは米ウエスト・バージニア州が、移住プログラムとして2万ドル相当を支給しているお話と、Dicovering food in Japan が面白かった。

It was intoxicating --- figuratively speaking.
An stands for anko, the sweet azuki red bean paste that's used in most Japanese traditonal wagashi sweets.
The difference between the two is the texture: Koshian is smooth and creamy, having been mashed and pureed, whereas tsubuan keeps the skin and the beans aren't completely crushed, so is chunky and lumpy.
over easy 両面焼きの目玉焼き
sunny side up 片面焼きの目玉焼き
Differing opinions can lead to pretty vigorous debates without end. Like the ever-popular "over easy or sunny side up" debate.
The Japan Times Alpha より引用